
Scatter (and Barca) +photos

I have a lot I could rant about and post and such, but I'll try to be brief (because no one likes having to trawl through too much mindless babble, do they?).



CSAD Year 2 show, Scatter, is fast approaching! Check out the show blog for more information about the show, artists, work, etc.
DanHam and I worked on several poster proposals for the show. It was very time consuming* and drove home the idea that you can't please everyone all of the time (or even some of the time it seems...).
This is my favourite of all our (many!) designs.

*and now we're having to really get crackin' on our show piece(s) which will be a collaborative effort again

A different design was chosen for the show poster (go to the show blog to check it out!). The preferred design was done by Louise Smith and James Southall.

* * *

Also(!), I tried screen printing yesterday (for my show piece) and I am sooo in love with it! It is a magical process; I will be doing much more in future. I'm going to post some work after the show is set up.
Dan from yesterday's screen printing session
"Nicole, I'm working! Stop bothering me! GTFO!"
"tehehehehe, no. lol"


Year 2 show

Year 2 show coming up so I'm busy as fook!
...working with groups - particularly large, very diverse ones - can be very, very frustrating...

The Birds project (Dec 2009)

More importantly, though, I want to try my hand at screen-printing (still!) and I've been looking for a job (still!) that allows me to be creative...or at least one that allows me to exercise my social skills, so I can make a bit of money and not starve to death in the coming weeks.

Also, I've been thinking about what happens after uni... that magical place of true independence, poverty and wonderment...