
Natural Collection

Your standard spot illustration, but I had fun with this one. It started out as rather a pain and I'd done a lame planty tendril running through the article (which didn't work and was just annoying to try to fit properly and... just ugh!). I think I've got it working in much the direction I want now.
I hope it's elegant-looking enough. I might add a planty border (unless I decide that's too tacky! haha).

edit: I updated my portfolio, so please check it out when you get a chance :)



Recently we've had a (mandatory) live brief with Egmont (via uni) to "design an illustrated Christmas 3-d object suitable for a child to create out of a single flat piece of card". I have so much fun with things like this. I just love it!
elf with a jet-pack (His name is Christopher. Named by Helen)
I'd done something similar in college where I had to create a frog box, but this was even more fun. Most people just used nets they found online then wiped and resigned them, but I made my own net from scratch to my exact measurements and such! That meant testing and adjusting which can be tedious, but it's all part of the process I think and still very fun...even when you get it a little wrong. And, at the risk of sounding cocky, I'm fairly good at judging/measuring so I never really have to make major adjustments anyway (hehe).
More shots of the little guy:
I've added a string to the back so he can be hung up on the tree and he can fly about with his shiny Christmas-Green jet-pack! I'm probably going to send one or two net sheets home to my brother for him to make and a few friends will probably receive one as a little surprise too! hehe (depends how many I can afford to get printed...).
Egmont will be choosing two people to take up summer placements and those people's designs (and presumably any others that Egmont like) will be included in Egmont's Christmas activity book. Very good opportunity that simply had to be taken advantage of! Incredibly stiff competition, though. Can't honestly say I'm that optimistic about poor little Christopher Elf's chances, but we can dream... And I'm very pleased with/proud of Christopher in any case.



We have an assignment to redesign 8 Penguin book covers (although only 3 of them need to be finalised and printed for hand-in).

I'd wanted to do them all screen printed, but I'm having trouble getting access to the screen printing facilities at the moment. Ugh! /sadness. So I'm having to Photoshop them instead to reach the deadline (I hate Photoshop. It is the devil. In many ways far inferior to openCanvas, in my mind, but it'll have to do for now...).
 Lolita: Vladimir Nabokov

Also, I will have a special print done hopefully by next week that I intend to put up for sale both online and in the next vintage/craft fair thingy I see in Cardiff if possible. I will keep you all posted : )