

We have an assignment to redesign 8 Penguin book covers (although only 3 of them need to be finalised and printed for hand-in).

I'd wanted to do them all screen printed, but I'm having trouble getting access to the screen printing facilities at the moment. Ugh! /sadness. So I'm having to Photoshop them instead to reach the deadline (I hate Photoshop. It is the devil. In many ways far inferior to openCanvas, in my mind, but it'll have to do for now...).
 Lolita: Vladimir Nabokov

Also, I will have a special print done hopefully by next week that I intend to put up for sale both online and in the next vintage/craft fair thingy I see in Cardiff if possible. I will keep you all posted : )

1 comment:

  1. I love the bold outline, it kind of emphasizes how stylized it is...looks awesome! ♥
